I've put a lot of effort into The Secret, or otherwise known as the law of attraction and understanding its power. While I still kind of believe in it, it seems to me that success comes by default. By that I mean that I recall sitting around dreaming a lot and using the law of attraction, yet I was not successful. I envisioned everything I wanted, yet it didn't happen. Now it comes every day and I don't put an ounce of thought into it. I just expect it to arrive because of the actions and hard work I've put in.
The irony is, maybe its the actual belief of it that makes it happen? Or the hard work = results. I tend to think the latter, but then again, I believe that people will call me to fix their computers, and that I will make money in real estate, and I am doing so. Its kind of nice to just make money and not dream about it all the time.
What bugs me is when I was into all this stuff, I signed up for all these mailing lists and I'm still getting bombarded with some stuff about the secret. Now they are trying to milk it for some more money with some new material about it. Then I follow a few links and read about people talking about making money online. It seems to me that the people talking about making money online are selling dreams to other people who want to make money online. I say just get off your ass and go work doing a real business and you'll be 100x better off than downloading the latest success kit or get rich quick scheme.
Go find a business to do that you have skill or interest in, and do it. If you can provide a service that there is a need for, you'll do great. Its just that simple. Avoid retail or any investment starting out. Its too risky. Just go do service work and then expand into retail or other investments.
I guess I'm saying this because I was successful at regular businesses from age 23-30, then I quit everything to follow my dreams of becoming a game developer, only to struggle and go bankrupt, struggle some more and have no life beyond the computer for the last 12 years. I get back into traditional businesses and I'm instantly making a living and now growing comfortable, and I imagine will soon be living the lifestyle I want, and be 100x happier. To me, being successful is by far better than living the dream and being a loser. Thats just my two cents. I get a sense of accomplishment by helping people get their computers fixed up, and then to make some old house look sweet again. I'm improving the community and helping people. Seems to be a lot better for me than making violent video games :)